Star Ratings VS Customer Reviews: Which Is More Valuable For Businesses?

As fashion brands strive to excel in customer satisfaction and informed decision-making, the question arises—does the narrative-rich world of customer reviews hold more sway, or are the succinct star ratings the ultimate metric?

Delving into this discourse, we embark on a journey to uncover the true worth of both customer reviews and star ratings in the context of fashion enterprises.

Deciphering Star Ratings

Star ratings, characterized by their simplicity, offer an immediate visual cue of customer sentiment. However, they lack the depth and context of reviews, potentially leading to an oversimplified understanding of a product's quality. While stars can swiftly guide initial preferences, they often fail to provide the comprehensive insights that reviews deliver. Striking a balance between transparency and simplicity, star ratings serve as a quick reference point in the decision-making process.

Understanding Customer Reviews

Customer reviews transcend the simplicity of star ratings by offering intricate details and personal experiences. Unlike star ratings that provide a snapshot, reviews encapsulate narratives that resonate with potential customers. These testimonials are not just about the product; they portray real-life interactions, emotions, and contexts, enriching the buying journey with authenticity and credibility. As customers look beyond the surface, reviews become the cornerstone of building trust and establishing brand reputation.

Their Roles in Decision-Making

The psychology of perception illuminates how customer reviews significantly influence purchasing decisions. Potential buyers seek relatability and resonance, traits that reviews provide abundantly. The stories shared in reviews humanize the product, allowing customers to envision themselves using it. Real-life examples paint a vivid picture of the product's performance, addressing concerns and affirming positive aspects.

On the flip side, star ratings offer an at-a-glance impression, guiding initial preferences before customers delve into reviews for detailed insights.

Their Impact On Brand Perception and Loyalty

Customer reviews forge a deep emotional connection between the brand and its audience. These narratives humanize the business, showcasing that it cares about individual experiences. By incorporating genuine customer feedback, brands create a sense of loyalty and foster lasting relationships. While star ratings contribute to this emotional bond, customer reviews provide the nuanced touch that builds a comprehensive brand identity, nurturing loyalty and advocacy.

Combining Customer Reviews & Star Ratings

The true power lies in the synergy between customer reviews and star ratings. These quantitative and qualitative data, when leveraged together, create a holistic perception for customers. Balancing strategy means understanding when to emphasize reviews' depth or star ratings' immediacy. A well-rounded approach taps into both metrics to create an impactful brand narrative.


In the end, both star ratings and customer reviews have value for consumers and businesses, but for different reasons. For customers, reading reviews provides nuanced insights into the pros, cons, and experiences of a product or service. The narrative comments are invaluable for making an informed purchase. For businesses, star ratings offer an at-a-glance way to compare products and spot trends while reviews highlight specific areas for improvement.

The ideal approach is using both star ratings and customer reviews together. Check the overall star rating for your products to determine if something meets a minimum quality threshold, then read the reviews to understand the reason behind the rating.

Monitoring star ratings and reviews regularly empowers businesses to gain actionable feedback from customers. Making improvements based on review comments will have a near-immediate positive impact on your products’ star ratings.

While star ratings and customer reviews each have weaknesses, used together they empower both buyers and sellers to make the most well-informed choices. As with many tools, the combination of qualitative and quantitative data leads to the best outcomes. The key is finding the right balance of stars and stories for your needs.

About Lykdat

Lykdat is a software development company in Amsterdam, providing customer-focused AI-powered solutions, to help fashion ecommerce businesses succeed.

We recently released Woven Insights, an AI-powered fashion analytics software, empowering fashion retailers, merchandisers, research teams, and manufacturers with accessible actionable fashion insights, by leveraging Artificial Intelligence.

Gone are the days when actionable fashion analytics was accessible only to larger, more financially robust fashion businesses. We are democratizing fashion intelligence with the most affordable pricing in the industry

Join the market leaders, and gain a high-level understanding of the fashion market, by leveraging insights from more than 40 million online shoppers and 2 million+ products from more than 120 of the top global fashion brands.

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